In October of 1998, Matthew Shepard, a young gay student at the University of Wyoming in Laramie was kidnapped, severely beaten, tied to a fence...
“GMCLA is one of the only arts and advocacy organizations who have taken on the responsibility to educate our youth in music and the performing...
“We have met and worked with 43,000 students in Los Angeles middle and high schools as part of our Alive Music Project, and an additional...
Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles presents HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR BRASSY, CLASSY & SASSY! Right up there with ugly sweater contests and cookie decorating parties ...
We are all about being pretty, having pretty things, looking at pretty people and making the world a prettier place. It’s what we call “living...
Enjoy live entertainment, featuring singer Nina Lares performing with Ariel Mann on Guitar, Mike Rocha on Trumpet, Anand Bennett on Bass, and Adam Gust on...
Join International Chanteuse Morganne Picard for a celebratory evening in honor of Bastille Day. Enjoy a repertoire of French music from the Muse of Los Angeles,...
From birth, the Muse was graced with charm, mystery, independence, humility and a beautiful voice. From a very young age, the Muse had invited and...