THE REASON With the support of sponsors like AT&T, Wells Fargo and HBO, the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles kicked off its 34th season with an all-inclusive holiday show at Glendale’s Alex Theatre. THE REVELERS The chorus was joined by K – 8th grade students from the Creative Planet School of the Arts. THE RECAP The “Nutcracker Suite” featured a blend of the chorus voices, and the students in dance performance assisted with Pop and Hip-hop tracks for a modern interpretation of the classic holiday story. A mash-up of “I Wanna Be A Rockette” and “Parade of the Wooden Soldiers” dazzled the audience and featured soloist David Knebel in short sequined number and heels while kicking up his legs. The visually compelling use of flashlights by each of the chorus members on the mostly dark stage for “O Holy Night” recalled last years use of sign language in a totally silent version of “Silent Night.”
Executive Director, Christopher Verdugo addressed the recent tragedy in Newtown, Conn. and thanked the audience and sponsors for their support. “Today is the time to reflect on the lives that we lost yesterday in Connecticut,” he said. “However,” he added after a pause, “it is also a time to be grateful. Grateful for the friends, the families, and the brotherhood; those things that really bring purpose and meaning to our lives. So, we are thankful and grateful that you are here spending part of your holidays with us. Thank you.”
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