Evening Star: GMCLA Voice Awards Kick-Off Reception

“We have met and worked with 43,000 students in Los Angeles middle and high schools as part of our Alive Music Project, and an additional 40,000 people in the small towns across the U.S. that have been transformed because of our it gets better Tour.”


THE REASON    The Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles hosted a kick-off reception for the upcoming 5th Annual Voice Awards at the stunning Estrella Sunset lounge, on January 24th.
THE REVELERS    Guests included Lisa Marchbanks, Lindsey Deaton, Mark Stuplin, Tom Guastavino, David Werthe, Kevin Bolling-Hey and John Duran among several other members of GMCLA and TCLA.
THE RECAP     Executive Director Chris Verdugo reminded guests how vital the chorus has been to the community for nearly 40 years, and how that wouldn’t be possible without their support. Supporters were asked to out do themselves by sharing their love of music and progress in their communities, in order to make this year’s Voice Awards the best ever. Also mentioned were the chorus’ upcoming travels to Cuba to collaborate with the Mano a Mano chorus, in addition to the efforts of the AMP and it gets better programs.

The 5th Annual Voice Awards take place on April 23rd in honor of those “who advance our world, refute silence, lend a voice to the oppressed, exhibit leadership and give hope to those living under the weight of silence.” To learn more about the Voice Awards and sponsorship opportunities, visit www.GMCLA.org.

Written by Nicholas Andreas

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