Join us for a cocktail reception with live music, silent art auction, gourmet dinner by Chef Claud Beltran, Professional Child Development Associates (PCDA) program &...
Aveson Charter Schools Events Action Team invites you to attend the annual Spring Soirée! Join parents, community members and progressive educators for a fabulous evening...
The window for last minute tax deductible contributions for 2014 may have vanished with that last drop of champagne on NYE, but the opportunity to...
A conversation with Five Acres’ CEO Chanel Boutakidis on the past/present foster care system & building a future of permanency for children in need. November...
Join the Pop Luck Club for their annual Father's Day Brunch at The Abbey in West Hollywood. The celebratory event welcoming gay dads and their...
Understanding our fathers may be one of the greatest puzzles of our lives, while being a father may be one of the greatest pursuits of...
A bear was spotted near the Aveson School of Leaders charter school in Altadena, causing the school to go into lock-down on Thursday, Sept. 6,...
How was the winner chosen you ask? Well we employed the talent, skill and precision of 8-year-old, Nico and a 12-year-old, Katarina (they are the...
California judges may soon have the discretion to recognize more than two parents when considering custodial rights and responsibilities in family court, according to a...