The 2017 Primetime Emmy Awards were preceded by the ever glamorous and generous pre-award gifting suite hosted by Dubois Pelin and Associates Gifting at the Luxe...
“Cross my heart and hope for mischief” And, what sound-minded person wouldn’t love to get into some mischief with Channing Tatum??? Well now, anyone can...
The 2017 awards season kicked off with gold and gratitude at the DPA Group pre-Golden Globes Gifting Suite event, held at the LUXE Rodeo Drive...
Whether you enjoy your Martini shaken, not stirred, like James Bond, with an olive or as part of a more extravagant cocktail, Martini Day is...
“The vision expressed four decades ago by the community volunteers who founded this agency still rings true today — every person deserves a life of...
We’d like to re-introduce you to our favorite classics of the mid-century American cocktail cart. You know, like the kind Samantha would make for Darren...