“We bring together our community to honor those we love and wish to protect with the celebration of INTERNATIONAL CONDOM DAY, and the worldwide premier...
“Revere your energy, intelligence and strength to find wealth. Share it to find love. Give love to live in peace.” – Chinese New Year 5th Day reflection....
“In 1999, GMCLA toured Eastern Europe and Russia. The performance in Moscow was billed as the largest official gathering of gay men ever known in...
“Disease will always be with us, like disasters. We will never be free of disease. It’s part of life. But, it’s how we respond to...
“San Gabriel Valley Pride Organization is dedicated to educating and raising awareness of the community at large about the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender culture,...
“The immediate need we fulfill is the prevention of hunger, also deliver compassion and help reduce the terrible isolation that...
“I would want to be associated with somebody where the financial strength was unquestioned and where the name stood for integrity. What other quality would...
“Things danced on the screen do not look the way they do on the stage. On the stage, dancing is three-dimensional, but a motion picture...
“After researching a number of local non-profits, we found that many aspects of Art Share LA really resonated with us. From its Arts District location...
“Change is happening at lightning speed. Our president enthusiastically supports the LGBT community. Gay Americans are serving openly in the armed forces. Major league sports players are coming out of the...